256-243-2348 admin@wellnessmdal.com

Weight Loss Programs customized to fit your unique needs


Over the last 15 years, Peptides have been used to treat type 2 diabetes, but have recently been approved by the FDA to help manage weight loss

Women’s Programs

Most of our patients are women and we know women want to lose weight for very different reasons that are all very important.

Men’s Programs

We have wonderful, highly successful programs tailored just for men. WellnessMD understands that most men desire to lose weight

Modified Liquid Diet

Our high protein – modified liquid diet plan is a quick and safe way to get started on your weight loss journey.

Anti-Inflammatory Diet

Our Anti-Inflammatory diet is based on Dr. Steven Gundry’s (author of “the Plant Paradox”) theory that plants are smarter

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting (or Time Restricted Eating) is about coordinating both the timing of when you are going to eat and what you are going to consume

Injection Therapies

B-12 is an essential vitamin in helping to form new, healthy cells in the body. It also boosts energy, helping to increase activity levels,